Flower PoweR Booklet

Reading time
1 min

Join the unique Flower Power project, which was created thanks to the Erasmus+ program! The Flower PoweR booklet provides information about the progress of the project and interesting places that we were able to visit thanks to the project. In addition, you will learn how to establish and maintain community gardens that not only beautify the urban environment, but also support biodiversity and community health.

What will you find in the Flower PoweR Booklet?

  • Community Gardens: Learn how to start and manage a community garden in your city.
  • Examples of good practice: Get inspired by successful projects from Poland, Slovakia and Romania.

Our international interactive map connects growers from schools, homes, and community gardens, and inspires plant care in a fun way.

SK Flower Power Booklet

EN Flower Power Booklet 

RO Flower Power Booklet 

PL Flower Power Booklet