
8/27/2021 - 9/12/2021
Reading time
4 min

Imagine you live in a small village by the sea, dozens of kilometres away from the city and shopping centres, and you discover that you are out of ingredients when you are cooking. You can let your imagination run wild and replace it with something else, or you have no choice but to go shopping. All the worse if you don't care about ecology and are interested in packaging-free shopping. In that case, your journey may be even longer.

Fortunately, other people have had ideas like this and disliked the outcome so much that they decided to do something about it. And where would the ecology be and we would be missing out?

We took part in the Erasmus+ project Unpackeget in Norddeich , Germany, whose vision was to build a mobile packaging-free shop that would make life easier for many people living in more remote areas. The vision met with smart people from Slovakia, Italy, Spain, Russia and Germany and Watt'n wagen was born - a mobile shop full of pulses, cereals, fruit, vegetables and consumer goods. Not only does it arrive almost at your door, but it doesn't bring with it disposable plastics and packaging that unnecessarily pollute our environment.